Terms & Conditions

Training Courses

1. All our prices advertised are subject to change at any time. Any previously advertised

price either printed or found on the internet will cease to be valid. The price quoted at

time of contact with us either by email, phone or personal visit is only available for a

maximum of 7 days and must be in writing from ourselves.

2. All course bookings require a deposit to secure your place. Deposits are non-refundable.

3. Full payment for your course must be made no later than 14 days prior to the first day of

your course. You run the risk of losing your place on the course and your deposit if this

is not made.

4. Cancellations are subject to the following:

a) If you need to cancel or postpone a course you must give us 4 weeks notice, under

exceptional circumstances we may allow you to postpone your course with

management discretion.

b) Courses can only be cancelled or postponed once, after which deposits will need to

be paid again to secure your place. No refunds will be given against cancelled or

postponed courses.

c) Cancellations Less than 4 Weeks prior to the start of the course result in full loss of

the course cost unless there is exceptional circumstances and with management


d) For your security we will not accept cancellations by phone, text or

social media. If you wish to cancel or postpone a training course you must indicate in

writing or via email. Cancellations will only be accepted during our opening hours and

not at evenings, weekends or Holidays.

5. Your course can be moved once, so long as it is to an equivalent course subject and

booked and taken within three months of the original course. However at the stage any

outstanding monies must be paid. Further cancellation of the same course will result in

losing all monies paid to date.

6. Proof of ID, signed Terms & conditions, Delegates agreement and your student form

must be returned prior to receiving confirmation of your booking. You have 7 days from

the date of your booking to return these forms, after which your place will be secured so

long as all monies are paid on time. Your course confirmation letter and manuals or

exams will be sent at this time if relevant to your course.

7. If you do not receive any expected emails, please contact us at your earliest convenience

so that we can ensure all the correct details for you are on file, and try to resend anything

you need with enough time prior to your course.

8. Please ensure we have the correct spelling of your name for your certificate.

9. Courses can be transferred into another person’s name for an administration charge of


10. VTCT, C&G or ITEC courses are transferable to another person providing you have not

yet started the course and the VTCT, C&G or ITEC registration fee is paid by the new

course attendee.

11. It is your responsibility to ensure you inform us of previous qualifications or your Lifetime

Learner Number with VTCT.

12. Please ensure you have made your own checks with regards to your local bye laws and

insurance costs. Some insurers may require certain pre requisites prior to insuring your


13. You have unlimited support available post training. Some courses need plenty of practice

after your course to perfect and refine your skills. No refunds are available due to your

inability to perform the treatment or change in your circumstances or the course not

meeting your own personal expectations. Everyone has differing learning abilities, it is up

to you to inform your tutor at the time of any additional support you may need or of any

changes you wish to see on the course to suit your expectations. We offer post training

support and advice as well as drop in days for your convenience. If you feel you need

extra support in your chosen subject. It is our best interest to work with you until you are

happy with your new-found skills.

14. With VTCT or private courses you have a maximum of 6 months post training to complete

all case studies, exams and assessments. Extra time can be arranged in certain

circumstances and a meeting between the tutor and the student will be held to work out a

suitable extension.

15. Please advise the company of any Disabilities or Additional Learning Requirements you

may have prior to your course. This is to allow us to assist you in your chosen subject.

16. We reserve the right to cancel, re-schedule or vary any course or part of a course due to

insufficient numbers, reasons beyond control or changes in regulations.

17. Where (the company) cancels a training course we will not be held liable for

transportation, accommodation, loss of earnings or any other associated costs.

18. On occasion we may reduce course prices last minute to build up numbers instead of

cancelling the course. On these occasions you will not be eligible for these special offer

prices. Similarly if you have paid an early bird booking price, we would not charge you

more if we sell the other places at full price. From time to time we run special promotional

offers. These are only valid for customers at that time and are time and quantity limited

and cannot be backdated.

19. Whilst delegates are on the premises they are obliged to abide by all Health and Safety

policies that are in place. Where a delegate is disruptive to other delegates, breaches

health and safety guidelines or appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or

endangers themselves or others, we reserve the right to ask that candidate to leave the

premises. Candidates that are asked to leave the course for the above reasons will not

be entitled to a refund.

20. (the company) does not accept responsibility or any liability for delegate’s belongings

whilst they are on site. This includes personal equipment and vehicles which are brought

onto the premises are left entirely at the owner’s risk.

21. Tutors reserve the right to ask students to complete a written, oral exam and/or case

studies. This is at their discretion and to keep standards high. If students would like

refresher sessions or one to one additional training this will be charged at £50 per hour

with a minimum of a two hour booking required.

22. Certificates can be replaced. There is a fee of £25 per certificate to cover the cost of

reprinting, postage and searching for the student database for information. Payment is

made at the time of ordering your certificate. Certificates will say ‘Duplicate’ on them.

23. As part our service to provide excellent customer service we operate an equal

opportunities policy. Students will not experience discrimination on any counts. (the

company) will not tolerate abuse Physical or verbal abuse to any trainer at any time. Nor

will we tolerate any sexism, ageism or racism or any type of discrimination of any sorts.

Bearing this in mind students need to be aware that both males and females book on

these courses and we will pair you up accordingly to practice on. So you may be working

on someone of the opposite sex. Deciding NOT to carry on with the day if you do not

wish to work on any other student will result in your loss of fee.

24. (the company) operates a non-smoking policy.

25. Mobile phones must be switched off in the training rooms at all times.

26. Children are not allowed at the training venues.

27. We comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. Full information regarding how we use

your data will be provided upon request.

28. Complaints in the first instance should be made to the tutor, lecturer or person in charge.

If you are unhappy with the outcome then it will be taken up as per the company

complaints procedure for delegates, which is available upon request. Awarding bodies

will not accept complaints directly unless you have followed this process.

29. Attendance by a delegate onto a training course, even with a formal qualification

certificate on completion, does not provide any guarantee of workmanship,

performance, quality or status of the delegate during future endeavors.

30. All intellectual property rights remain the property of (the company) and any copies made

of course materials, booklets or training aids will be an infringement of copyright unless

agreed in writing by (the company).

31. Delegates must not contact our Trainers or staff personally either by personal phones,

home addresses, e-mails or social network sites. However our staff can be contacted

via our business emails, or by calling (phone number).

32. Post training support is available between Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm. There is

limited support available over the weekends and evenings, however we will try to assist

where possible.

Sales of Goods

1. All orders of Machines and kits are deemed special order and are in relation to the

agreed terms of business to business trading. The purchasing or ordering of any goods

from (the company) Group you are automatically agreeing to the terms herein.

2. All kits/machines will not be handed over or delivered until full payment has been

received. Once payment has been received your kit/machine will be ordered. Please be

advised that kits/machines may take up to four weeks to be delivered.

3. Kits/Machine cancellations must be done in writing only to head office. Only by direct

agreement with a managing director will your return be accepted for a credit note. Credit

notes can be used against any other products or courses with (the company). We have a

no refund policy which is quoted at the time of purchase. Items returned must be

unopened and still in its original packaging and unused. For health and safety reasons

we are unable to accept the return of pigments or needles for exchange.

4. Machines/Kits or other products sold by (the company) and sold on to trainers or other

third parties must be sold at our recommended retail price. No items sold by (the

company) must be sold on any sales sites, social media sites or third party websites

which include but not exclusive to eBay, Facebook or Gumtree.

5. Machines that are faulty are subject to our terms and conditions which allow us to repair

or replace the machine within a reasonable time frame. Machines must be maintained

as per instruction manuals. Non-manufacturer faults will not be covered by the warranty

and additional charges may be applied direct from the manufacturer.

6. We hold no responsibility for loss of business whatsoever due to delay in delivery of your

machine/kit or when your machine is in for service or repair. We may where possible be

able to offer you a loan machine.

7. Loan machines must be maintained and kept in good condition during your possession.

Damages to the loan machines may result in repair charges. It is important that machines

are returned in the same condition to us and sent well packaged and sent by guaranteed

delivery. You will be responsible for return costs. Loan machines must be surrendered

upon request. We reserve the right to charge for any items not returned to us within the

agreed time scale at £25 per item per day.

8. Kit contents are subject to change without notice and contents may vary. You will

however still receive items equivalent to the original price & Kit.

9. Neither party shall be in default if by reason of any delay in the performance of or failure

to perform any of its obligations hereunder if such delay or failure is caused solely by

strikes acts of God or the public enemy riots incendiaries interference by civil or military

authorities compliance with governmental laws rules and regulations delays in transit or

delivery inability to secure necessary governmental priorities for materials or any fault

beyond its control or without its fault or negligence. Should Force Majeure subsist for a

period greater than 3 months either party shall have the right to terminate the Services

10. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted by the Laws of England regardless of

the place of execution or the place of performance and the parties hereto submit to the

exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

11. The company hold no responsibility for misuse of equipment or products and cannot be

held responsible for any claims personally brought against you. The Customer shall

hereby indemnify the Company against any loss or damage claimed against the

Company by any third party

12. The Company shall not be liable for any consequential losses (which, for the avoidance

of doubt, shall in this Agreement include loss of profits) howsoever caused.

13. The Product and any components, spares, accessories or products supplied by the

Company are warranted against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of 12

months from the date of dispatch by the Company. This shall be the only warranty given

by the Company in respect of the Product and any components, spares or accessories.

All other warranties and conditions implied by statute, common law or otherwise are

hereby excluded to the extent that the law permits. For the avoidance of doubt the

Company in particular gives no warranty that the Product conforms to any specification or

is fit for any specific purpose.

14. The Company shall at its option either replace, repair or issue a credit note to the

Customer for any Product or components, spares or accessories found to be defective by

reason of poor workmanship or faulty materials.

15. The Company shall however be under no obligation to take any action unless:

a) the Company has been notified of the defects in writing by the Customer within 7

days of the discovery of such defects and in any event not later than 12 months from

the date of dispatch (as to both of which time shall be of the essence) and;

b) the defective goods have been returned to the Company’s premises and;

c) examination of the goods by the Company discloses to its satisfaction that such

defects exist and have not been caused by mishandling, misuse, neglect, improper

installation, improper repair, insufficient or inadequate or improper maintenance, or

by alteration or accident (the Customer being liable to pay to the Company the cost,

as certified by Company, of the examination of any goods in respect of which the

Company does not accept liability under this paragraph). Using items not designed

for the machines invalidates your warranty.

16. Degradation of machines, handpieces or accessories from prolonged exposure to damp,

heat or astringents shall not be considered a defect for the purposes of these terms and


17. Servicing and cleaning of the handpiece, machine or accessories is not covered under

the warranty and this service will be charged for whether during the warranty period or


18. The Company shall have no liability whatsoever to the Customer in relation to any

defects in the Product, or in any components, spares or accessories, and in particular

the Company will not be liable for the return of the Contract Price, for any costs incurred

for the shipment of defective components or for any consequential losses (including loss

of profit).

19. Warranty repairs will be carried out at our premises or such other premises as shall be

decided by the Company in its absolute discretion. No equipment should be returned to

the Company without the prior written authorisation of the Company.

20. Equipment repaired or replaced under this warranty is warranted only for the remaining

unexpired portion of the original warranty period which was applicable to the repaired or replaced equipment.